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Laws of Motion Quiz
Prispevano od: Hernandez
(Avtor originala: Goldade)
Jill crashed her bike into the fence. She 
was thrown over it onto the lawn. That's:
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
For every action there is an equal andopposite reaction. That's:
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
Jim improved his lap timing by changing to a lighter bicycle. That's:
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
We run by pushing the ground withour feet in the opposite direction. That's due to:
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
Acceleration of an object is proportionalto the net force on it and inversely proportional to its mass. That's:
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
Joey can throw the ball farther than Bill because he is stronger and applies more force. That's:
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
An object will move at a constant speed in a straight path until a netforce acts upon it. That's:
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
When a fireman turns on thefirehose, he is knocked back.  That's:
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
TRUE OR FALSE? Any object acted upon by a netforce will accelerate in the direction of that force. 
TRUE OR FALSE? Any time the forces are unbalanced,an object will remain at rest. 
TRUE OR FALSE? Friction is an unbalanced force that alwaysacts in the same direction of the motionof an object.
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