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States of Matter Notes- Nov. 25
Prispevano od: Welser
  • 1. How many states of matter are there?
A) Two
B) Four
C) Three
D) Five
  • 2. Which of these is not a state of matter?
A) Solid
B) Plasma
C) Element
D) Liquid
  • 3. Why are solids usually hard?
A) Their molecules easily move around
B) Their molecules are packed close together
C) Their molecules are spread out all over the place
D) Solids are not usually hard
  • 4. What is a mixture?
A) A solid that is made up of one compound
B) Mixtures are artificial and do not exist
C) A solid that is made up of more than one compound
  • 5. Molecules in a liquid want to _________.
A) vibrate against each other
B) move apart
C) scatter around
D) stick together
  • 6. What is a solution?
A) A liquid that has frozen
B) A liquid with a variety of materials in it
C) A liquid that has turned into a gas
D) A liquid consisting of one material
  • 7. Gasses are also known as _________.
A) vapors
B) solutions
C) ices
D) factors
  • 8. What is released when you open a can of pop?
A) compressed gas
B) compressed plasma
C) compressed liquid
  • 9. True or false. Plasma makes up our sun.
A) False
B) True
  • 10. True or false. Plasma does not exist on Earth.
A) True
B) False
  • 11. What is the particle movement of gasses?
A) move freely, very quickly
B) "jiggle" but don't move from place to place
C) move around, slide past each other
  • 12. True or false. Liquids compress easily.
A) True
B) False
  • 13. True or false. Plasma has the highest amount of energy of all the states of matter.
A) False
B) True
  • 14. When energy is added or taken away from a state of matter, a _________ change happens.
A) physical
B) chemical
  • 15. True or false. Liquid has the lowest amount of energy of all the states of matter.
A) True
B) False
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