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4th SW Warm Up 5
Prispevano od: Ruble
(Avtor originala: Bellman)
What is the average speed of the object at 14 seconds?
3 mps
.42 mps
42 mps
2.3 mps
What is the average speed of the object between 3 and 5 seconds?
1.5 mps
.6 mps
3 mps
8 mps
By looking at the shape of the line on this graph,
you can tell the object must have been:
traveling at a constant speed.
slowing down and then speeding up.
speeding up and then slowing down.
accelerating at a constant speed.
What is the average speed of the object at 18 seconds?
3 mps
.42 mps
0 mps
2.3 mps
The dirt bike was loaded onto the rack using a/an:
inclined plane
The stretched rubber band is an example of:
powerful energy
kinetic energy
potential energy
stretchy energy
The snowboarder jumping is an example of :
Powerful energy
Potential energy
Jumping energy
Kinetic energy

What do all the planets in our solar system have in


they all have the same mass

they all have the same shape

they all have the same atmosphere

they are all made of the same materials or


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