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4th Grade -- Reading/LA 2009 part c
Prispevano od: Gladish
(Avtor originala: LaFave)
  • 1. plot
A) a reason why something happens
B) the beginning or first part
C) the sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph
D) the action or sequence of events in a story
  • 2. possessive noun
A) a word used to describe something about a verb or clause
B) names an person, place, or thing
C) a noun that shows ownership
D) punctuation marks that are used at the end of sentences
  • 3. punctuation
A) end marks or symbols at the end of a complete sentence
B) tells who or what the sentence is about
C) an educated guess about something
D) parts of a narrative story
  • 4. setting
A) where or when the story takes place
B) a word used to describe a noun
C) an ending to bring to a close
D) punctuation marks used at the ends of sentences
  • 5. story element
A) names a person, place, or thing
B) parts of a story; narrative
C) nouns that change form without following the rules
D) a form of a noun that shows ownership or possession
  • 6. subject
A) a certain kind of literature
B) a reason why something happens
C) a word that links the subject to the predicate
D) who or what the sentence or story is about
  • 7. summary
A) something that a person believes in or feels
B) a brief retelling of the story in your own words
C) names a person, place, or thing
D) the beginning or first part
  • 8. topic sentence
A) the sentence that states the main idea
B) something that a person believes or feels
C) an ending or to bring to a close
D) a certain type of literature
  • 9. voice
A) the writers unique style of writing
B) to bring about change
C) a hint in the sentence that helps you
D) a certain type or kind of literature
  • 10. visualization
A) a picture or movie your mind forms when you are reading
B) a certain type of literature
C) sequence of events in a story
D) parts of a narrative story
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