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Chemical Bonding Quiz #2 (States of Matter)
Prispevano od: Collins
  • 1. A collection of atoms or molecules that expands to take the shape of and fill the volume of its container.
A) Solid
B) Plasma
C) Gas
D) Liquid
  • 2. This state of matter has a fixed volume and shape.
A) Plasma
B) Liquid
C) Gas
D) Solid
  • 3. This state of matter occurs at extremely high temperatures and has protons moving around in a sea of electrons.
A) Plasma
B) Liquid
C) Gas
D) Solid
  • 4. This state of matter has no fixed shape but keeps its volume no matter what container it is in.
A) Liquid
B) Plasma
C) Gas
D) Solid
  • 5. This type of solid has groups of atoms that occur in regular repeating sequences.
A) Liquids
B) Crystals
C) Glasses
D) Polymers
  • 6. This type of solid has regular repeating sequence of atoms at the local level but has no long range order to the atomic structure.
A) Glasses
B) Crystals
C) Polymers
D) Liquids
  • 7. These solids often have a one dimensional predictable repeating sequence of atoms that help to make very long and large molecules.
A) Crystals
B) Polymers
C) Glasses
D) Liquids
  • 8. This is a transition between the liquid and solid state.
A) Boiling
B) Freezing
C) Condensation
D) Melting
  • 9. This is the transition between the solid and liquid state.
A) Melting
B) Freezing
C) Boiling
D) Condensation
  • 10. This is the transition between the liquid and gas state.
A) Freezing
B) Condensation
C) Boiling
D) Melting
  • 11. This is the transition between the gas and liquid state.
A) Condensation
B) Melting
C) Boiling
D) Freezing
  • 12. This is the transition between the solid and gas state.
A) Melting
B) Sublimation
C) Boiling
D) Melting and Boiling
  • 13. An increase in what causes more energy to be added to a system?
A) Molecules
B) Chemical Bonds
C) All of the above
D) Temperature
  • 14. To move between states of matter it takes a lot of what?
A) None of the above
B) Molecules
C) Chemical Bonds
D) Energy
  • 15. This is a type of polymer that is man made primarily from petroleum.
A) Gasoline
B) None of the above
C) Oil
D) Plastic
  • 16. Water, the most abundant liquid on Earth's surface, aides in what?
A) Both answers are correct
B) helps w/ geological change
C) Neither answer is correct
D) Life's essential solutions are water based.
  • 17. The most abundant state of matter in the universe is what?
A) Liquid
B) Gas
C) Solid
D) Plasma
  • 18. What is a Bose-Einstein Condensate?
A) A state of matter that exists just below the temperature of absolute zero.
B) A state of matter that has to do with radio waves and the theory of relativity.
C) A state of matter that exists just above the temperature of absolute zero.
D) None of the answers are correct.
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