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The Down and Up Fall
Prispevano od: Weiss
  • 1. We_____our cafeteria into a beautiful garden by using flowers and foil to decorate.
A) apparently
B) investigate
C) corridor
D) transformed
  • 2. Who can we ask to ______the mystery for us?
A) decor
B) investigate
C) corridor
D) enthusiastically
  • 3. We tried not to make noise as we tiptoed along the long_____.
A) transformed
B) decor
C) apparently
D) corridor
  • 4. That is the mother wolf, and these_____are her pups.
A) investigate
B) transformed
C) enthusiastically
D) apparently
  • 5. The choir sang the school song loudly and_____.
A) corridor
B) enthusiastically
C) decor
D) investigate
  • 6. The______in the old castle was elegant and fit with the style of the mansion.
A) decor
B) apparently
C) investigate
D) transformed
  • 7. This selection is most like realistic fiction for all of the following reasons except that the story______.
A) event could really happen
B) characters are like those in real life
C) took place a long time ago
D) setting could be in a real place
  • 8. Why does Bolivia want to take Lucette to the rain forest?
A) She wants to show off the parrot.
B) Lucette wants to go there.
C) It sounds like fun.
D) The parrot will feel at home there.
  • 9. For parrots and snakes, a tropical rain forest______.
A) has a climate that may kill them
B) is a natural habitat
C) is an unusual place in which to live
D) is a hard place in which to live
  • 10. What does Bolivia worry will happen if she brings Lucette to school?
A) that Mr. Peters will tell her to take the parrot home
B) that it will be too warm and humid for Lucette
C) that it might be too stressful for Lucette
D) that Dr. Osborne will be affraid of the parrot
  • 11. Why does Uncle Lou deliver Lucette to the school in the afternoon?
A) He has to take pictures of the rain forest for the newspaper.
B) Lucette is a nervous parrot.
C) It is very noisy there.
D) Bolivia doesn't want the bird at school all day.
  • 12. How are tropical rain forests and botanical gardens alike?
A) They have snakes and birds.
B) They both have visitors.
C) They are in South America.
D) Tropical plants grow there.
  • 13. Lucette probably syas "Happy New Year" because she_____.
A) hears Dr. Osborne scream
B) thinks that she's at a party
C) feels at home in the rain forest
D) is afraid of people
  • 14. To create a simulation of a rain forest, the members of the nature club do all the following except______.
A) bring animals
B) use an electric heater and humidifier
C) turn on the sprinkler system
D) paint trees and plants
  • 15. What causes the unexpected shower in the rain forest?
A) too much humidity and closed windows
B) the humidifier
C) the heat setting off the sprinklers
D) a hole in the ceiling
  • 16. Kenny named his snakes after two famous_______.
A) teachers
B) scientists
C) presidents
D) astronauts
  • 17. Who shows a calm nature by responding to the sprinkler event by saying "This is how we keep education alive and exciting"?
A) Mr. Peters
B) the custodian
C) Dr. Osborne
D) Mr. Golding
  • 18. why does Dr. Osborne say she will never forget the afternoon or the snakes?
A) She is annoyed that students brought dirt into the school.
B) She doesn't like the idea of a rain forest in school.
C) She thinks that having the snakes and Lucette there is silly.
D) She doesn't like snakes or getting wet.
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