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Ordered Pairs Explained
Prispevano od: Schleper
To graph the ordered pair
(5,4) begin at the origin and
move                         spaces
and                            spaces.
left or right?
up or down?
To graph the ordered pair
(4,5) begin at the origin and
move                         spaces
and                            spaces.
left or right?
up or down?
To graph the ordered pair
(-5,4) begin at the origin and
move                         spaces
and                            spaces.
left or right?
up or down?
To graph the ordered pair
(4,-5) begin at the origin and
move                         spaces
and                            spaces.
left or right?
up or down?
To graph the ordered pair
(5,-4) begin at the origin and
move                         spaces
and                            spaces.
left or right?
up or down?
To graph the ordered pair
(-4,5) begin at the origin and
move                         spaces
and                            spaces.
left or right?
up or down?
To graph the ordered pair
(-5,-4) begin at the origin and
move                         spaces
and                            spaces.
left or right?
up or down?
To graph the ordered pair
(-4,-5) begin at the origin and
move                         spaces
and                            spaces.
left or right?
up or down?
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