ThatQuiz Knjižnica testov Naredi ta test sedaj
Will/ going to
Prispevano od: Sala Esquena
  • 1. Be careful. The tree ................fall 1
A) is falling
B) is going to
C) will
D) are going to
  • 2. Bye! I..............................back
A) will be being
B) will be
C) am going to be
D) am being
  • 3. Jane.............................a baby in June
A) will be having
B) will have
C) is having
D) is going to have
  • 4. The English test June
A) Will be being
B) is being
C) is going to be
D) will be
  • 5. It was nice to talk to you. I .......... later
A) is going to phone
B) will phone
C) is phoning
D) will be phoning
  • 6. This summer
A) am going to stay
B) am staying
C) will be staying
D) will stay
  • 7. Jim is tired. He ..................bed now
A) will go
B) is going to go
C) will be going
D) is going
  • 8. Would you like tea or coffe ? I
A) will have
B) am going to have
C) will be having
D) am having
  • 9. The dinousaurs ....................the Earth in the future
A) is going to walk
B) are going to walk
C) will be walking
D) will walk
  • 10. It's cold in here. I......................the heating
A) am going to turn on
B) turn on
C) will turn on
D) am turning on
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