ThatQuiz Knjižnica testov Naredi ta test sedaj
Plural ans Singular Verbs
Prispevano od: Thomas
  • 1. Dave (talk) to the teacher.
A) talk
B) talks
  • 2. The men (paint) the house.
A) paint
B) paints
  • 3. Gerry (jump) rope.
A) jump
B) jumps
  • 4. The door (open) wide.
A) opens
B) open
  • 5. Casper (bark) every nigh.
A) bark
B) barks
  • 6. We (hear) him in our bedroom.
A) hears
B) hear
  • 7. Casper (cover) his eyes with his paws.
A) covers
B) cover
  • 8. He (see) the moon in in the sky
A) see
B) sees
  • 9. He (run) around at night.
A) runs
B) run
  • 10. He (sleep) in his house.
A) sleeps
B) sleep
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