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G 3 Dimensional Shapes
Prispevano od: Cason
__1. coneA. a plane figure that serves as one side of a solid figure
__2. cylinderB. where two faces come together to form a line segment
__3. edgeC. having length, width, and height
__4. faceD. polyhedron w/ same polygon for bases and parallelogram sides
__5. netE. a 2-dimensional shape that can be folded into a 3-d figure
__6. polyhedronF. 3-dimensional figure in which all the surfaces are polygons
__7. prismG. polyhedron with any polygon for a base & triangular sides
__8. pyramidH. 3-d figure with two parallel & congruent circles as bases...
__9. sphereI. 3-d w/one circular base, one curved edge, and one vertex
__10. three dimensionalJ. a 3-d figure made of all points an equal distant from center
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