ThatQuiz Knjižnica testov Naredi ta test sedaj
Our rules
Prispevano od: Vidmar
Izberi pravilo, ki ustreza sliki. 
Začni s klikom na OK.
Be a good friend.
Be quiet.
Be quiet.
Be quiet.
Respect your teacher.
Raise your hand.
Be a good friend.
Make a line.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Work quietly and do your best.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Tidy your place.
Get ready for English.
Tidy your place.
Raise your hand.
Tidy your place.
Get ready for English.
Raise your hand.
Učenci, ki so rešili ta test so rešili tudi :

Ustvarjeno z That Quiz — kjer je izdelava in reševanje testov narejena enostavno za matematiko in ostale predmete.