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Prispevano od: Adler
  • 1. In the phrase, "but her Uncle Rudy bought her an imitation Barbie".......imitation means
A) awesome
B) beautiful
C) huge
D) fake
  • 2. By the end of the first day she got her, how did Veronica feel about the imitation Barbie?
A) disappointed that she was not real
B) hated her
C) loved her
D) ignored her
  • 3. When Uncle Rudy came over, why was his sister (Veronica's mother) uneasy?
A) because she worried he was going to announce that he an Donna were getting married
B) because she hadn't seen her brother for five years
C) Because Veronica hated him
D) because he was very mad
  • 4. Did Veronica get a Barbie on Christmas day?
A) no
B) yes
  • 5. Who does Uncle Rudy's girlfriend look like?
A) Veronica
B) Barbie
C) Olivia Rodriguez
D) Veronica's sister
  • 6. When Veronica's old doll and Barbie play....
A) Barbie throws the old doll against the wall.
B) Barbie is jealous of the old doll.
C) Barbie's arm falls off.
D) everything Barbie does or has is better thatn the old doll's.
  • 7. Why did Martha and Veronica get into a fight?
A) Because Martha hit Veronica.
B) Because Martha tried to switch her old Barbie with Veronica's new Barbie
C) Because Martha broke off Barbie's arm.
D) Because Martha wouldn't let Veronica's Barbie kiss Ken.
  • 8. On her way home, Veronica realized that
A) Barbie's head was missing
B) Barbie had a chip out of her head.
C) Martha had switched Barbies
D) she had lost her homework.
  • 9. Who did Veronica blame for her Barbie being ruined?
A) Martha
B) Herself
C) Barbie
D) Herself and Martha
  • 10. Based upon Veronica's behavior when Barbie and her old doll are interacting, how does Veronica judge people?
A) She believes that what a person is like inside is more important than they way they look.
B) Blondes are better than redheads
C) Beautiful people are better than average looking people
D) Blue eyed girls are better than brown eyed girls.
  • 11. In the end, how did Veronica feel about her two dolls?
A) She hated them both
B) She loved Barbie, but hated her old doll.
C) She loved them both
D) She loved her old doll, but hated her Barbie
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