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5/18 Finding Function values from a graph (9.3)
Prispevano od: Barr
(Avtor originala: Pappal)

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(2) = 

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(6) = 

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(-1) = 

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(-1) = 

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(8) = 

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(5) = 

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(-1) = 

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(-3) = 

Use the graph to find the 

function value at the given x
f(1) = 
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