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Vocabulary - The Ojibwa Indians
Prispevano od: Heather
__1. breechclothA. a piece of deerskin that passes between the legs and ties
__2. clanB. a large family group
__3. midewiwinC. land set aside for Native American use in the United States
__4. Ojibwa clothingD. a group of Ojibwa people who make other people healthy
__5. Ojibwa foodE. land set aside for Native Americans in Canada
__6. Ojibwa homeF. a round house that is covered with tree bark
__7. Ojibwa languageG. wingwams (round building and roof) made from trees and bark
__8. reservationH. deersking leggings, shirts, dresses, and moccasins
__9. reserveI. vegetables, wild rice, meat, fish, nuts, and berries
__10. wigwamJ. part of the Algonquian language family
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