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Phonics Unit 4.5
Prispevano od: Riffe
  • 1. My kite flew _______ in the sky.
A) high
B) hye
C) hie
  • 2. I need the _______ to unlock the classroom door.
A) keep
B) kee
C) key
  • 3. My friend has a cute new _______.
A) puppy
B) pupee
C) pupie
  • 4. I know a lot of _________ jokes.
A) funie
B) funny
C) fonny
  • 5. __________ you like to go to the store with me?
A) Would
B) Wild
C) Wud
  • 6. You should _________ your hands after you use the bathroom.
A) wech
B) wash
C) wish
  • 7. I found a lucky ___________ on the ground!
A) penny
B) panny
C) pinee
  • 8. Did you _____ the little boy win the race?
A) seed
B) ce
C) see
  • 9. I have to carry my _______ back to the lunchroom.
A) tray
B) tra
C) try
  • 10. You need to stay in you __________ when Mrs. Riffe is teaching.
A) sheet
B) set
C) seat
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