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Reproductive System - human
Prispevano od: Lefebvre
  • 1. The place where a male's sperm is produced:
A) testes
B) urethra
C) penis
  • 2. The male hormone that regulates the development of sperm:
A) semen
B) urethra
C) testosterone
  • 3. The mixture of sperm and other fluids:
A) semen
B) urethra
C) testosterone
  • 4. The place where sperm mixes with fluid:
A) testes
B) urethra
C) vas deferens
  • 5. The tube that stores sperm:
A) epididymis
B) testes
C) urethra
  • 6. The tube through which semen is carried out of the penis:
A) testosterone
B) urethra
C) testes
  • 7. The male's exterior sex organ:
A) penis
B) testosterone
C) testes
  • 8. A female's eggs and her sex hormones are produced in her:
A) zygote
B) fallopian tubes
C) ovaries
D) estrogen
  • 9. An egg travels into a fallopian tube during:
A) fertilization
B) menstruation
C) ovulation
D) pregnancy
  • 10. Fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the:
A) uterus
B) zygote
C) eggs
D) vagina
  • 11. A zygote develops in the female's:
A) vagina
B) ovary
C) placenta
D) uterus
  • 12. The canal between the outside of the female's body and the uterus is the:
A) placenta
B) fallopian tubes
C) zygote
D) vagina
  • 13. What is a female's sex cell called?
A) egg
B) zygote
C) sperm
D) gene
  • 14. What is a male's sex cell called?
A) penis
C) sperm
D) zygote
  • 15. The union of a male's sex cell with a female's sex cell is called:
A) meiosis
B) generations
C) chromosomes
D) fertilization
  • 16. Reproduction that involves only one parent:
A) asexual reproduction
B) sexual reproduction
  • 17. Reproduction in which genes come from two parents:
A) asexual reproduction
B) sexual reproduction
  • 18. Process in which egg and sperm join inside the female's body
A) external fertilzation
B) internal fertilization
  • 19. Process in which egg and sperm join outside the female's body
A) internal fertilzation
B) external fertilization
  • 20. What is the function of the menstrual cycle?
A) to prevent ovulation
B) to prepare the body for pregnancy
C) to ready the vagina for fertilization
D) to destroy unfertilized eggs
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