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4.1 naming real numbers #2
Prispevano od: Barr
  • 1. Name the most precise set: 9.4
A) Natural
B) Real
C) Irrational
D) Integer
E) Rational
  • 2. Name the most precise set: -8
A) Rational
B) Natural
C) Irrational
D) Whole
E) Integer
  • 3. Name the most precise set: square root 9
A) Whole
B) Irrational
C) Natural
D) Rational
E) Integer
  • 4. Name the most precise set: Square root 20
A) Rational
B) Natural
C) Integer
D) Irrational
E) Real
  • 5. Name the most precise set: 13/9
A) Natural
B) Real
C) Integer
D) Irrational
E) Rational
  • 6. Name the most precise set: 0
A) Rational
B) Integer
C) Whole
D) Natural
E) Real
  • 7. Name the most precise set: 4.77777...
A) Rational
B) Integer
C) Irrational
D) Real
E) Natural
  • 8. Name the most precise set: 4, 3, -17, 0, 8
A) Whole
B) Irrational
C) Natural
D) Integer
E) Rational
  • 9. Name all the sets that 19 belongs to
A) real
B) rational, real
C) whole, integer, rational, real
D) irrational, real
E) natural, whole, integer, rational, real
  • 10. Name all the sets that square root of 50 belongs to
A) real
B) rational, real
C) whole, integer, rational, real
D) irrational, real
E) natural, whole, integer, rational, real
  • 11. Name all the sets that 15/4 belongs to
A) irrational, real
B) rational, real
C) whole, integer, rational, real
D) natural, whole, integer, rational, real
E) real
  • 12. Name all the sets that ( - square root 100)
A) whole, integer, rational, real
B) integer, rational, real
C) rational, real
D) natural, whole, integer, rational, real
E) irrational, real
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