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Citizens at Work
Prispevano od: Rogers
  • 1. What is the genre for this selection?
A) autobiography
B) historical fiction
C) nonfiction
D) folktale
  • 2. How did Sam Houston help as a leader?
A) He helped write the Declaration of Independence.
B) He led Texans in their fight for independence.
C) He created the first steam powered locomotive.
D) Sam Houston worked with Abraham Lincoln to create fair laws.
  • 3. Which part or region of the country made up the Confederacy?
A) Eastern
B) Southern
C) Northern
D) Western
  • 4. In which war was Sam Houston a leader?
A) Civil War
B) Spanish American War
C) World War I
D) American Revolution
  • 5. What was a problem during the 1930's for many people?
A) There was a shortage of gasoline.
B) They were out of work.
C) A sickness was spreading across many towns and cities.
D) There was a drought and very little water could be found throughout the country.
  • 6. What contribution or help did Lady Bird Johnson make to our country?
A) First Lady Johnson made sure that every family had a car.
B) She worked to get more playground equipment for children.
C) Her goal was to make the land beautiful and healthful.
D) She had new books placed into all school libraries.
  • 7. Which of the following was NOT one of the changes made for country by President Lyndon Johnson?
A) Operation Head Start
B) The Great Society Program
C) The Committees of Correspondence
D) Civil Rights Act
  • 8. What did Barbara Jordan work on to try to make better for citizens?
A) Get help for needy families to pay for medical care
B) An end to poverty and families being homeless
C) Easier voting procedures for those whose first language was not English.
D) Have roadsides planted with colorful wildflowers
  • 9. What area did Annie Dodge Wauneka strive to make better?
A) public health and medicine issues
B) clothing and shelter for the elderly
C) childhood education
D) better food products in grocery stores
  • 10. What is the issue Al Gore is concerned about?
A) healthcare for all people
B) traffic problems in large cities
C) protecting the environment
D) voting rights for young citizens
  • 11. If you wanted to know the meaning of the word, "nation," what part of the book would you refer to?
A) glossary
B) title page
C) index
D) table of contents
  • 12. According to the index, what information would you read about on page 11 in this selection?
A) environment
B) Thurgood Marshall
C) Barbara Jordan
D) The Great Society
  • 13. Reread page 9. What is the main idea of the information on this page?
A) Thurgood Marshall was appointed to the Supreme Court.
B) President Johnson proposed a program to end poverty called The Great Society.
C) The Highway Beautification Act was denied.
D) President Johnson was sworn in as President after President Kennedy was killed.
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