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Prispevano od: Martin-Hawkes
  • 1. A monsoon is _____________
A) heavy rain
B) flooding
C) wind that indicates the change in season.
  • 2. Frequently, the monsoon season brings devastating _________ to countries in southern and Southeast Asia.
A) floods
B) forest fires
C) mudslides
  • 3. Monsoons are large air masses in the tropics that move onto the land from the ___________ during the summer and from the land back to the ____________ in the winter.
A) antarctic
B) sea
C) arctic
  • 4. The word monsoon comes from "mawsin" the Arabic word for ________.
A) winter
B) summer
C) season
  • 5. The tropics have two seasons ________ and _________
A) spring, fall
B) wet, dry
C) summer, winter
  • 6. A recent study of monsoons discovered a possible link between the beginning of the summer monsoons and ____________, whirling windstorms occurring in the oceans.
A) cyclones
B) tornadoes
C) waterspouts
  • 7. Too much rain brings ____________ and flooding.
A) mud holes
B) landslides
C) dirty water
  • 8. Too little rain brings __________ in the winter months.
A) cooler temperatures
B) nicer weather
C) drought
  • 9. Do we get monsoons in Canada?
A) Sometimes
B) Yes
C) No
  • 10. Which movie depicted monsoon season?
A) The Perfect Storm
B) Twister
C) Forrest Gump
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