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Author's Purpose New
Prispevano od: Penke
  • 1. An article written about how jeans are made in a factory. The article was written to do what to the reader?
A) Entertain the reader
B) Inform the reader
C) Persuade the reader
  • 2. An article about what you will need when you go on a camping trip. What did the article do to the reader?
A) Informed the reader
B) Entertained the reader
C) Persuaded the reader
  • 3. A poem about the circus. What did it do to the reader?
A) Persuaded
B) Informed
C) Entertained
  • 4. A speech given to the principal about only going to school for 4 days a week. What was the goal of the speech?
A) To entertain
B) To persuade
C) To inform
  • 5. The story Little Red Riding Hood was written to do what?
A) Inform
B) Persuade
C) Entertain
  • 6. If you read the title 'Please Trust Me!', what do you think the author was trying to do to you?
A) Inform you
B) Persuade you
C) Entertain you
  • 7. A story about a princess falling in love was written to do what?
A) Inform
B) Entertain
C) Persuade
  • 8. A story about 2 dogs riding a school bus would have been written to do what to the reader?
A) Entertain
B) Persuade
C) Inform
  • 9. A news report getting you to recycle was written to do what?
A) Persuade
B) Inform
C) Entertain
  • 10. A commercial giving you facts about how to wash your hands was made to do what for you?
A) Persuade
B) Entertain
C) Inform
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