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Eye of the Storm Quiz
Prispevano od: Garcia
  • 1. What does the word saguaros mean?
A) having a sharp, pointed edge or outline
B) Tall cactus es native to the American Southwest
C) the flash of light in the sky when electricity passes between clouds or between a cloud and the ground
  • 2. what is having a sharp, pointed edge or outline mean?
A) lightning
B) saguaros
C) Jagged
  • 3. What is flat open grasslands called?
A) jagged
B) saguaros
C) prairies
  • 4. Why do you think the author included information about how ancient peoples viewed the sky?
A) To show readers that people have always been fascinated by weather and by stars
B) To show readers that people have always been scared of the weather and by stars
C) To show readers that people never wanted to know about the weather and stars
  • 5. What made Warren want to become a weather photographer?
A) to show readers that storms have always fascinated Warren
B) taking pictures of lightning for his job made his dream of turning weather photography fun
C) Taking pictures of lightning in his free time made him dream of turning weather photography into a job
  • 6. What is the value of a stock photo agency?
A) It lest people find and use pictures they couldn't take themselves.
B) It explains how Warren's spectacular photograph of a lightning bolt allowed him to start a career as a storm chaser
C) It lest people take pictures off the internet and sell them
  • 7. What led Warren to photograph tornadoes and hurricanes in addition to lightning?
A) He realized that people wanted pictures of these kinds of storms, and there was no easy place to get them.
B) His father was killed by a tornado
C) It explains how Warren's spectacular photograph of a lightning bolt allowed him to start a career as a storm chaser
  • 8. Why does Warren spend so much of the year on the road?
A) He travels with his wife a professional basketball player
B) So that he can sell his pictures in different states due to the changing weather throughout the year.
C) So that he can follow storms, which occur in different places at different times of the year.
  • 9. What does the author mean by the phrase a promising storm on page 67?
A) A storm that looks like it will pass
B) A storm that looks like a hurricane
C) The storm looks as if it will produce tornadoes
  • 10. How can tornado chasers and other weather experts help people who are traveling through tornado country?
A) by telling other drivers what a storm looks like and showing them where the storm is
B) By watching other drivers ride into the storm when he knows what waits ahead for them
C) By telling other drivers what the forecast is and whether it is safe to drive
  • 11. What clues does Warren look for that tell him a tornado might be forming, and how does he go about chasing it?
A) He looks for short dark clouds high in the sky with rain falling from it; Watches where the storm goes and follows it.
B) Looks for a large, dark cloud close to the ground with a funnel cloud forming beneath it; watches where the storm goes and follows it.
C) Looks for a large, dark cloud close to the ground with
  • 12. What does the author mean when he says that chasing a tornado is like playing a game of chess?
A) A storm moves and the storm chasers wait for another storm to appear
B) A storm stays in one place, and storm chasers could just watch from their hotel window
C) A storm moves, and storm chasers must follow the storm's path.
  • 13. What does the words, "funnel cloud" mean?
A) serious or extreme in nature
B) Tornado cloud that is wide at the top and narrow where it touches the ground
C) a swirl in a circular motion
  • 14. On page 72, what does the word "vortices" mean?
A) whirlpools made of rotating air or water; plural of vortex
B) having many vortices at once
C) upward-moving current of air
  • 15. On page 72, what does the word "multivortex" mean?
A) whirlpools made of rotating air or water; plural of vortex
B) having many vortices at once
C) upward-moving current of air
  • 16. Why does Warren decide to stop shooting for the day, even though tornadoes are still forming?
A) Its dangerous to try to chase tornadoes at night
B) They were in dis-belief; they usually don't see so many tornadoes in one day.
C) To make the passage more exciting; to make the people seem real
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