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7G8 Find the Missing Side Using the Pythagorean Theorem
Prispevano od: Warren
x2 =
x =
c =
5 in

If x is an irrational number,

round it to the nearest tenth.

4 in
x in
x2 =
x =
c =
5 in

If x is an irrational number,

round it to the nearest hundredth.

12 in
x in
x2 =
x =
c =

10 ft

x ft

If x is an irrational number,

round it to the nearest tenth.

6 ft

x2 =
x =
c =

7 ft

If x is an irrational number,

round it to the nearest hundredth.

24 ft

x ft

x2 =
x =
c =
8 in

If x is an irrational number,

round it to the nearest tenth.

x in
20 in
x2 =
x =
c =

9 ft

If x is an irrational number,

round it to the nearest tenth.

10 ft

x ft

x2 =
x =
c =
10 in

If x is an irrational number,

round it to the nearest hundredth.

15 in
x in
x2 =
x =
c =

If x is an irrational number,

round it to the nearest hundredth.

6 in
5 in
x in
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