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New Perimeter Quiz
Prispevano od: Anderson
(Avtor originala: Hagen)
 Find the perimeter of the following object.
20 in.
16 in.
10 in. 
14 in.
10 in. 
4 in.
6 in. 
Find the perimeter of the rectangle.
18 cm.
36 cm.
20 cm.
16 cm.
10 cm. 
8 cm.
Find the perimeter of the square.
8 cm.
16 cm.
24 cm. 
32 cm.
8 cm.
8 in.
Find the perimeter of this object.
4 in.
10 in.
2 in. 
6 in.
6 in.
36 in.
38 in.
28 in.
35 in.
3 m
Find the perimeter of this triangle.
9 m
7 m
11 m
12 m
4 m
5 m
Find the perimeter of this rectangle.
33 ft.
44 ft. 
55 ft.
66 ft. 
22 ft.
11 ft.
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