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"Oceans Change; Sea Life Shifts" Assessment
Prispevano od: Herrera
  • 1. Oceans change; sea life shifts is an example of _____ .
A) infographic
B) pictograph
C) newspaper
D) fiction
  • 2. The map on the page has a caption that reads _____ .
A) "Range of Atlantic cod"
B) "Corals and hardbodied sea life dissolve"
C) "Codfish school"
D) "Lionfish are invading Caribbean"
  • 3. The main idea of the article is _____ .
A) Even though Canada and the US imposed fishing controls it failed to save the cod.
B) We should try to save the marine life populations.
C) Rising carbon dioxide makes sea water more acidic.
D) Some very fast changes in the oceans are causing many marine animals to change how and where they live.
  • 4. Which of the following is the title of the article?
A) Fishing controls failed to save the cod
B) Science Matters
C) AVID Elementary Weekly
D) Oceans change; sea life shifts
  • 5. Japanese kelp, stinging jellyfish, and crabs are all examples of _____ .
A) nuisance species
B) all answer choices
C) invasive species
D) marine animal populations
  • 6. Read the following statement from the article: "Northwest Atlantic cod, crucial to seacoast economies, fell sharply in the 1990’s." Crucial means _____ .
A) sad
B) unimportant
C) important
D) movement
  • 7. How many photographs are on the page?
A) 5
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
  • 8. A person or thing that is annoying is called a _____ .
A) nuisance
B) acidic
C) codfish
D) coral
  • 9. To hunt, catch, and eat another animal
A) invasive
B) prey
C) transition
D) controls
  • 10. The source used for the section called Fishing controls failed to save the cod came from _____ .
B) Plymouth University
C) Science Matters
D) Salk Institute
  • 11. How many of the photographs have a caption?
A) 1
B) 0
C) 4
D) 3
  • 12. Rising oxygen levels make sea water more acidic.
A) False
B) True
  • 13. The fishing controls imposed by the U.S. and Canada helped save the codfish populations.
A) False
B) True
  • 14. Lionfish are examples of invasive species.
A) False
B) True
  • 15. When the U.S. and Canada imposed fishing limits, it meant that fisherman could fish any time they wanted.
A) True
B) False
  • 16. Coral is an example of an acid tolerant species.
A) False
B) True
  • 17. The text says, “ Populations of cod continued to crash in spite of reduced fishing.” What does that mean?
  • 18. Summarize the relationship between fishing and cod populations.
  • 19. Describe the impact of increasing sea levels of acid in sea water on the populations of sea life.
  • 20. Give an example of marine animal populations mentioned in the text. Were they predator or prey? Use details from the text to explain your answer.
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