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We Were Soldiers Movie Questions
Prispevano od: Lynn
  • 1. After landing in the "Valley of Death", the soldiers are informed that the location they were sent to is actually the Base camp of an entire North Vietnamese Army division over 4,000 men. How do they receive this information?
A) a North Vietnamese Army lookout
B) by President Lyndon B. Johnson
C) a superior officer
D) division headquarters
  • 2. Joe Galloway quote: "They went to war because their country ordered them to. But in the end, they fought not for their country or their flag, the fought for ______."
A) innocent Vietnamese
B) themselves
C) their families
D) each other
  • 3. Which of the characters in the movie appear to be leaders? How effective are they?
  • 4. During training, Lt. Col. Moore makes this statement, “A leader must remain cool and calm. And second, he must learn to ignore explosions, the heat and dust, the screams of the wounded; this is normal on the battlefield. Normal!” Why would it be important for a leader to be able to do this?
  • 5. Even though the 7th Cavalry was put into a situation that had never been done before and had little information about the enemy, they undertook the assignment. Have you been in a similar situation? What was the outcome?
  • 6. After review other material related to the We Were Soldiers movie and the historical facts about the Battle of la Drange, do you feel the movie would be a credible source for facts? Give some examples of why or why not.
  • 7. What was the outcome of the battle and why?
  • 8. How were individual lives effected and shaped by this battle?
  • 9. Which character did you relate with most? Why?
  • 10. Which character did you dislike the most? Why?
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