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Culture Vocab 2
Prispevano od: Cropp
__1. Birth RateA. Number of deaths per year for every 1000 people
__2. CultureB. A worldwide culture with an interdependent economy.
__3. Death RateC. Crop failures or severe lack of food.
__4. EmigrateD. The average number of people living in a square mile or kilo
__5. Ethnic GroupE. Movement to cities or growth in cities
__6. FamineF. Leave a country where they were born and move to another.
__7. GlobalizationG. People forced to flee to another country
__8. Population DensityH. Number of births per year for every 1000 people
__9. RefugeeI. A way of life. People share similar beliefs and customs.
__10. UrbanizationJ. People that share language,history,religion,physical traits
__11. CivilizationA. Area that has different countries with similar traits
__12. Cultural DiffusionB. Process of spreading ,languages,customs to other cultures
__13. Culture RegionC. Highly developed cultures
__14. DemocracyD. Government led by a king or queen
__15. DialectE. Government ruled by the people
__16. DictatorshipF. One person ruling by force.
__17. MonarchyG. Local form of a language with a distinct vocab,pronunciation
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