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Papa Tells Chita a Story Vocabulary
Prispevano od: Moore
  • 1. Picking fresh blackberries is fun until you get scratched and cut from the ________.
A) colonel
B) weary
C) stumbling
D) brambles
  • 2. The _______ commanded his troops to march into battle.
A) weary
B) colonel
C) stumbling
D) urgent
  • 3. Everyone cheered when a ________ marched down the street in the parade.
A) smart
B) stumbling
C) soldier
D) brambles
  • 4. We were ______ after a long day of testing in class.
A) stumbling
B) urgent
C) weary
D) soldier
  • 5. Dad's arms were ________ to show he wanted a hug.
A) weary
B) outstretched
C) stumbling
D) urgent
  • 6. The tired boys were ______ down the rocky trial.
A) stumbling
B) brambles.
C) outstretched
D) urgent
  • 7. When he fell and broke his arm, he needed ________ medical care.
A) weary
B) outstretched
C) colonel
D) urgent
  • 8. After running the race, she felt _________.
A) weary
B) outstretched
C) soldier
D) brambles
  • 9. It was ________ that she got the message to the principal.
A) outstretched
B) weary
C) brambles
D) urgent
  • 10. I don't think walking through the woods is all that fun when the _________ get stuck to your pant legs.
A) stumbling
B) colonel
C) weary
D) brambles
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