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Area of triangles and paralleograms
Prispevano od: Taub
  • 1. Find the area of this parallelogram:
  • 2. Find the area of this parallelogram:
  • 3. Find the area of this parallelogram:
  • 4. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 5. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 6. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 7. Find the area of this parallelogram:
  • 8. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 9. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 10. Find the area of this parallelogram:
  • 11. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 12. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 13. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 14. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 15. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 16. Find the area of this parallelogram:
  • 17. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 18. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 19. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 20. Find the area of this triangle:
  • 21. Find the area of this parallelogram:
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