ThatQuiz Knjižnica testov Naredi ta test sedaj
Prispevano od: Rojas
  • 1. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) perpendicular
B) Intersect
C) Parallel
  • 2. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) intersect
B) Perpendicular
C) Parallel
  • 3. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Paralle
B) Intersectllel
C) perpendicular
  • 4. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Intersect
B) Perpendicular
C) Parallel
  • 5. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Parallel
B) Intersect
C) Perpendicular
  • 6. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Parallel
B) Intersect
C) Perpendicular
  • 7. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Perpendicular
B) Intersect
C) Parallel
  • 8. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Parallel
B) Intersect
C) Perpendicular
  • 9. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Parallel
B) Perpendicular
C) Intersect
  • 10. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Perpendicular
B) Parallel
C) Intersect
  • 11. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Intersect
B) Parallel
C) Perpendicular
  • 12. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Intersect
B) Perpendicular
C) Parallel
  • 13. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Perpendicular
B) Intersect
C) Parallel
  • 14. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Intersect
B) Perpendicular
C) Parallel
  • 15. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Perpendicular
B) Parallel
C) Intersect
  • 16. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Intersect
B) Perpendicular
C) Parallel
  • 17. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Intersect
B) Perpendicular
C) Parallel
  • 18. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Perpendicular
B) Parallel
C) Intersect
  • 19. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Perpendicular
B) Parallel
C) Intersect
  • 20. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Parallel
B) Perpendicular
C) Intersect
  • 21. What kind of line does this picture represent ?
A) Perpendicular
B) Parallel
C) intersect
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