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Mystery Vocabulary Quiz
Prispevano od: Martin-Hawkes
__1. alibiA. Something that helps proves who committed the crime.
__2. clueB. an excuse that a suspect uses to show he was somewhere else.
__3. crimeC. Someone who is believed to have possibly committed the crime
__4. detective/sleuthD. A person who investigates mysteries and gathers information.
__5. evidenceE. A false lead that throws the investigator off track.
__6. mysteryF. Something that is secret or unknown.
__7. red herringG. Someone who saw the crime and can provide some information.
__8. suspectH. An act that is against the law
__9. victimI. Someone who is harmed or suffers loss because of the crime.
__10. witnessJ. A fact or object that helps solve mysteries.
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