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Equivalent Fractions (with Models)
Prispevano od: Schleper
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 10?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction 
has a denominator of 12?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 9?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 8?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 15?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 10?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 18?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 16
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 40?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
What equivalent fraction has a denominator of 24?
In simplest form, what fraction
of the model has been shaded?
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