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Reading Passages: Hispanic Asttronauts
Prispevano od: Gibbs
  • 1. Hispanic/Latino make up one of the largest ethnic groups in the United States. They are represented quite well at NASA. What do the letters NASA mean?
A) National Astronauts Space Academy
B) National Airmen Space Academy
C) National Aeronautical Space Association
D) Nation of Astronauts in Space Always
  • 2. How many Hispanics work for NASA?
A) 4000
B) 5000
C) 3000
D) 2000
  • 3. Out of 109 astronauts, how many are of Hispanic descent?
A) 9
B) 19
C) 13
D) 26
  • 4. The first Hispanic woman astronaut was selected in 1990. Who was she?
A) Maria Garcia
B) Dr. Jennifer Lopez
C) Sidney Gutierrex
D) Dr. Ochoa
  • 5. The numbers of Hispanic astronauts ________________ each year.
A) increase
B) remain at the same number
C) stay the same
D) decrease
  • 6. Sidney Gutierrex was born June 27, 1951 in what state?
A) New York
B) Mexico
C) New Mexico
D) New Hampshire
  • 7. In what year was Mr. Gutierrex selected as an astronaut?
A) 1951
B) 2002
C) 1994
D) 1984
  • 8. Which award did Mr. Gutierrex NOT win?
A) The NASA Astronaut of the Year
B) 100 Most Influential Hispanics Award
C) Hispanic Engineer of the Year
D) Hispanic Achievement Award in Science
  • 9. When did Mr. Gutierrex, a space pilot and space commander, retire from the U. S. Air Force and NASA?
A) He retired in 1984.
B) The year was 1994.
C) He has not retired yet.
D) He retired in 1951.
  • 10. From the reading passages, we can infer that both astronauts were __________________ who loved education and learning.
A) disruptive students
B) relatives
C) good citizens
D) sports fans
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