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Surface area and volume
Prispevano od: Hickman
(Avtor originala: Mansour)
  • 1. Find the volume of this cone.
A) 339.12cm3
B) 1019.83cm3
C) 1526.04cm3
D) 3052.08cm3
E) 1017.36cm3
  • 2. Find the surface area of this cylinder.
A) 980.17 ft2
B) 908.71 ft2
C) 908.71 ft3
D) 980.17 ft3
E) 890.17 ft2
  • 3. Find the surface area of this pyramid.
A) 360 m2
B) 165 m3
C) 340 m2
D) 360 m3
E) 165 m2
  • 4. Find the surface area of this rectangular solid.
A) 300 ft2
B) 800 ft3
C) 1500 ft2
D) 1500 ft3
E) 800 ft2
  • 5. Find the surface area of a cube with a base length of 4.
A) 256 in2
B) 216 in2
C) 96 in2
D) 64 in2
E) 16 in2
  • 6. Find the surface area of this prism.
A) 576 m2
B) 552 m3
C) 576 m
D) 552 m2
E) 576 m3
  • 7. Find the volume of this cone.
A) 3015.93 units3
B) 1005.31 units3
C) 4021.24 units3
D) 3418.05 units3
E) 1139.35 units3
  • 8. Find the volume of this cylinder.
A) 402.12 units3
B) 1608.50 units2
C) 134.04 units3
D) 402.12 units2
E) 1608.50 units3
  • 9. Find the volume of this pyramid.
A) 1633.33 units3
B) 1568 units2
C) 896 units2
D) 1568 units3
E) 896 units3
  • 10. Find the volume of this rectangular solid.
A) 720 units3
B) 720 units2
C) 240 units3
D) 504 units3
E) 504 units2
  • 11. Find the volume of this sphere.
A) 1499.21 m3
B) 374.80 m2
C) 374.80 m3
D) 633.47 m3
E) 1499.21 m2
  • 12. Find the volume of this prism.
A) 1260 units3
B) 960 units3
C) 960 units2
D) 1260 units2
E) 1428 units3
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