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Characteristics and Inheritance
Prispevano od: Worthington
  • 1. What is an Allele?
A) the same things as a gamete
B) the different forms of the same gene
C) the chromosome found in the cell before replication
D) a cell with 23 chromosomes, instead of 23 pairs
  • 2. Which of the following is a Dominant allele?
A) an allele that is blocked by or hidden
B) an allele that blocks or hides a recessive gene
  • 3. Which of the following is a Recessive allele?
A) an allele that blocks or hides a recessive gene
B) an allele that is blocked by or hidden
  • 4. Which of the following is Homozygous?
A) when a person's two alleles for a gene are different
B) when you got your genes from mum
C) when you got your genes from dad
D) when a person's two alleles for a gene are the same
  • 5. Which of the following is Heterozygous?
A) when you got your genes from dad
B) when a person's two alleles for a gene are the same
C) when a person's two alleles for a gene are different
D) when you got your genes from mum
  • 6. Heterozygous genotype for any allele...
A) always results in the recessive characteristic
B) always results in the dominant characteristic
  • 7. Homozygous genotype for any allele...
A) always results in the dominant characteristic
B) always results in the recessive characteristic
C) can result in either the dominant characteristic or the recessive characteristic
  • 8. An example of a heterozygous genotype
A) tt
B) Tt
  • 9. Where do your allele's come from?
A) one from mum and one from dad
B) a process that happens in replication in your cells
C) a process that happens in mitosis of your cells
D) a process that happens in meiosis of your cells
  • 10. If your mum gave you a different allele than your dad for a trait - your genotype is
A) heterozygous for that trait
B) homozygous for that trait
  • 11. A genotype is
A) A person's physical features seen for any trait
B) A person's set of alleles for a particular trait
  • 12. If F = freckles (domminant) and f = no freckles (recessive) a person who has the Genotype Ff will
A) have freckles
B) not have freckles
  • 13. What are the options if both dad and mum are heterozygous for the genotype of straight thumb

    (use T for dominant)
B) Tt
C) all of these
D) tt
  • 14. True or False:

    Your genotype is based on your phenotype?
A) False
B) True
  • 15. True or False:

    Incomplete Dominance occurs when neither allele is dominant over the other
A) True
B) False
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