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Flags of Our Fathers Movie Questions
Prispevano od: Lynn
  • 1. This movie depicts events during a war between the United States and _____
A) Vietnam
B) Germany
C) Iraq
D) Japan
  • 2. On February 19, 1945, the Marines hit the beach in landing craft and meet no resistance. After several tense minutes the Marines advance forward, what happens next?
A) the Japanese open fire
B) Japanese soldiers charge through the mis
C) the Marines advance with very little resistance
D) the Navy ships destroy the Japanese strong hold
  • 3. What is a hero? Who is a hero? Use the discussion of heroism in Flags of Our Fathers and use critical thinking skills to reflect and answer the question What is a hero?
  • 5. Are the six flag raisers religious? How is religion used to characterize them?
  • 6. Do you see the six flag raisers as heroes? Why or Why not?
  • 7. Should fallen soldiers be used to promote a war? Do you think this is still happening today?
  • 8. With which character did you most relate? Why?
  • 9. If you were one of the six men, how would you reacted to being promoted as a “hero?”
  • 10. Bud Gerber quote: "People on the street corners, they looked at this picture and they took hope. Don't ask me why, I think it's a crappy picture, myself. You can't even see your faces! But it said we can win this war, are winning this war, we just need you to dig a little deeper."

    After watching the movie, do you see how people took hope in the picture? Why or Why not?
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