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Waves Basics Quiz
Prispevano od: De Koe
(Avtor originala: Conway)
  • 1. A disturbance in matter that carries energy from one place to another
A) impulse
B) thermal energy
C) reaction force
D) mechanical Wave
  • 2. The material through which a wave travels
A) fiber
B) fabric
C) ethernet
D) medium
  • 3. The highest point of a transverse wave
A) crest
B) trough
C) compression
D) rarefaction
  • 4. The lowest point of a transverse wave
A) amplitude
B) crest
C) trough
D) wavelength
  • 5. A wave that causes a medium to vibrate perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels
A) longitidunal wave
B) vibrational wave
C) thermal wave
D) transverse Wave
  • 6. An area of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are closer together than usual
A) crest
B) compression
C) trough
D) rarefaction
  • 7. An area of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are more spread out than usual
A) compression
B) amplitude
C) rarefaction
D) frequency
  • 8. A wave in which the vibration of the medium is parallel to the direction the wave travels
A) interference wave
B) node
C) transverse wave
D) longitudinal wave
  • 9. The verb that means how a wave moves through a medium
A) populate
B) propagate
C) bend
D) squiggle
  • 10. What type of wave is illustrated here?
A) transverse wave
B) interference wave
C) submarine wave
D) longitidunal wave
  • 11. What type of wave is illustrated here?
A) longitudinal wave
B) transverse wave
  • 12. What is the name of the part of the wave by # 4?
A) wavelength
B) amplitude
C) trough
D) crest
  • 13. What is the name of the part of the wave by # 2?
A) crest
B) wavelength
C) trough
D) amplitude
  • 14. What is the name of the part of the wave by # 3?
A) trough
B) crest
C) amplitude
D) wavelength
  • 15. What is the name of the part of the wave by # 1?
A) wavelength
B) amplitude
C) trough
D) crest
  • 16. Which wave has the bigger amplitude?
A) A2
B) There is no amplitude shown
C) They both have the same amplitude
D) A1
  • 17. Which wave has the greater wavelength?
A) There is no wavelength shown
B) A2
C) They both have the same wavelength
D) A1
  • 18. Which of the following produce(s) the most EM waves on Earth?
A) the energy of distant stars
B) artificial lights
C) a vacuum
D) the high energy of the Sun
  • 19. What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength?
A) The greater the frequency, the shorter the wavelength
B) The shorter the wavelength, the smaller the frequency
C) The greater the frequency, the longer the wavelength
  • 20. Which of the following waves are NOT mechanical waves?
A) seismic waves
B) sound waves
C) light waves
D) water waves
  • 21. A wave that can travel in both a vacuum and a medium is
A) mechanical waves
B) when the queen greets her subjects while cleaning
C) electromagnetic waves
  • 22. Radiant energy is the
A) motion of a medium caused by electromagnetic waves
B) energy that moves as electromagnetic waves
C) conversion of electromagnetic waves into kinetic energy
D) speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum
  • 23. Electromagnetic waves from this part of the spectrum are used in radar and cell phones
A) ultraviolet light
B) x-rays
C) radio waves
D) gamma rays
  • 24. These electromagnetic waves have the highest energy.
A) x-rays
B) ultraviolet light
C) gamma rays
D) radio waves
  • 25. This type of electromagnetic wave is frequently associated with heat.
A) radio waves
B) microwaves
C) infrared light
D) ultraviolet light
  • 26. Waves from the sun in this part of the electromagnetic spectrum can burn your skin.
A) x-rays
B) radio waves
C) ultraviolet light
D) microwaves
  • 27. These electromagnetic waves pass through soft tissue but are absorbed by bone.
A) ultraviolet light
B) microwaves
C) radio waves
D) x-rays
  • 28. The smallest part of the electromagnetic spectrum is made up of this type of wave.
A) radio waves
B) microwaves
C) ultraviolet light
D) visible light
  • 29. What do all of the colours in visible light make when all together?
A) a path to lucky charms
B) white light
C) black light
D) a gross brown colour
  • 30. A higher amplitude means the wave has more energy. True or False?
A) True
B) False
  • 31. Which wave has the greater frequency?
A) They have the same frequencies
B) Bottom
C) Top
  • 32. Which of the following statements is FALSE!
A) A longitudinal wave propagates parallel to its centre motion.
B) Transverse waves have crests and troughs, while longitudinal waves have compression zones and rarefaction zones.
C) Waves (water) are transverse waves since they move from left to right, while the water around them moves up and down.
D) Only electromagnetic waves transport energy.
  • 33. Which of the following is measured in Hertz?
A) frequency
B) amplitude
C) wavelength
  • 34. Which is an example of longitudinal waves?
A) water waves
B) sound waves
  • 35. Characteristic of waves represented by the Greek letter "lambda"
A) amplitude
B) frequency
C) wavelength
  • 36. Calculating frequency times wavelength, is the equation for what?
A) amplitude of a wave
B) speed of a wave
C) narliness of a wave
  • 37. The Electromagnetic Spectrum...
A) organizes all EM waves according to their amplitude and medium
B) organizes all EM waves according to their wavelength and their frequency
C) organizes how much shock you can get from the outlets in your home
  • 38. Which of the following could be used to treat cancer?
A) x-rays
B) gamma rays
C) ultraviolet rays
D) infrared
  • 39. Which colour has the highest frequency?
A) green
B) blue
C) red
D) yellow
E) violet
  • 40. Which colour has the longest wavelength?
A) red
B) blue
C) yellow
D) violet
E) green
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