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Term 2 Year 12 Biology Pre-Test
Prispevano od: Robinson
__1. AerobicA. A disease that is spread from person to person by contact
__2. AnaerobicB. Any change that impairs/harms the function of an individual
__3. BacteriaC. A non-cellular pathogen
__4. CapsuleD. Single celled micro-organisms with no membrane-bound nucleus
__5. Contagious diseaseE. Grow and reproduce in the absence of oxygen
__6. DiseaseF. A bacterium, virus, or microorganism that can cause disease
__7. FlagellaG. Thin appendages that allow bacterium to move
__8. PathogenH. Slimy gelatinous material around some bacterium
__9. VectorI. Grow and reproduce in the presence of oxygen
__10. VirusJ. Animals that carry pathogens from one host to another
__11. AntibioticsA. Barrier to infection with no memory of prior infection
__12. AntibodiesB. Compound that inhibits the growth or destroys microorganisms
__13. AntigenC. Chemical substances that the body recognises as alien
__14. CytokinesD. Production of specialised cells and antibodies
__15. ImmunoglobulinsE. A material that triggers a response from B and T cells
__16. InterferonF. Protein molecules that act as messengers between cells
__17. Non-specific immunityG. Secreted by some cells when they are infected by viruses
__18. Specific immunityH. Proteins that identify antigens
__19. VaccineI. Contain dead or treated organisms to induce immunity
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