ThatQuiz Knjižnica testov Naredi ta test sedaj
Proportions & Similar Shapes
Prispevano od: Lara

Hint: is %  

        of    100

 round to nearest hundredth
Find the missing value:

Hint: is  %

        of    100

Find the missing value:

Hint: is %    (round to nearest hundredth)

        of    100

Find the missing value:

Hint: is  %  

        of    100

What percent of 80 is 25?

Hint: is  %  

        of    100

70 is what percent of 140?

Hint: is  %  

        of    100

9.3 is 5% of what number?

Hint: is  %  

        of    100

What is 95% of 195?

Hint: is  %   (round to nearest hundreth)

        of    100

112% of what number is 75?
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