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(mod 4)test pythagorean prove rt triangles
Prispevano od: Childress
Given 3 side lengths of a triangle:
Is it a right triangle?
sides:  25,   20,  15
Given 3 side lengths of a triangle:
Is it a right triangle?
sides:  8,   15,  20
Which side lengths form right triangles?
34, 16, 30
35, 15, 30
6, 8, 11
Which side lengths form right triangles?
12, 13, 15
9, 15, 16
20, 21, 29
Which side lengths form a right triangle?
9, 10, 12
24, 7, 25
15, 25, 22
Which side lengths form a right triangle?
10, 24 , 26
10, 12, 13
5, 12, 20
Which side lengths form a right triangle?
7, 8, 10
50, 40, 30
9, 10, 20
Which side lengths form a right triangle?
20, 15, 10
1, 2, 3
16, 20, 12
Which side lengths form a right triangle?
16, 18, 25
18, 30, 24
15, 25, 30
Which side lengths form a right triangle?
7, 8, 9
4, 5, 6
2, 3, 4
5, 3, 4
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