ThatQuiz Knjižnica testov Naredi ta test sedaj
Language Arts Stems 12
Prispevano od: Mead
  • 1. 1. Select the best choice.
A) hydrometer
B) amateur
C) gyration
D) lunatics
  • 2. 2. Select the best choice.
A) contradictory
B) gyration
C) hydrometer
D) thermotropic
  • 3. 3. Select the best choice.
A) gyration
B) octarchy
C) amateur
D) lunatics
  • 4. 4. Select the best choice.
A) gyration
B) amateur
C) contradictory
D) lunatics
  • 5. 5. Select the best choice.
A) octarchy
B) thermotropic
C) contradictory
D) hydrometer
  • 6. 6. Select the best choice.
A) thermotropic
B) octarchy
C) gyration
D) amateur
  • 7. 7. Select the best choice.
A) amateur
B) octarchy
C) lunatics
D) gyration
  • 8. 8. Enter the matching letter only.
  • 9. 9. Enter the matching letter only.
  • 10. 10. Enter the matching letter only.
  • 11. 11. Enter the matching letter only.
  • 12. 12. Enter the matching letter only.
  • 13. 13. Enter the matching letter only.
  • 14. 14. Enter the matching letter only.
  • 15. 15. Select the best choice.
A) under/moon
B) over/stars
C) over/moon
D) under/sun
  • 16. 16. Select the best choice.
A) 6
B) 4
C) 5
D) 8
  • 17. 17. Select the best choice.
A) turn
B) dance
C) cut
D) fade
  • 18. 18. Select the best choice.
A) catch
B) judge
C) measure
D) weigh
  • 19. 19. Select the best choice.
A) over
B) under
C) between
D) no
  • 20. 20. Select the best choice.
A) between
B) against
C) with
D) over
  • 21. 21. Enter the vocabulary word. Spelling will count!
A) contradict
B) geothermal
C) contraband
D) contriband
  • 22. 22. Enter the vocabulary word. Spelling will count!
A) geothermal
B) giothermal
C) riothermal
D) mantle
  • 23. 23. Enter the vocabulary word. Spelling will count!
A) lunertic
B) werewolf
C) lunatic
D) hyperventilate
  • 24. 24. Enter the vocabulary word. Spelling will count!
A) hypoventilate
B) oxygen
C) hippoventilate
D) hyperventilate
  • 25. 25. Enter the vocabulary word. Spelling will count!
A) amoraus
B) amerous
C) arrow
D) amorous
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