ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Salter, Scottie -
Abolition of slavery in America (24)Multiple Choice2019.06.09
Abraham Lincoln becomes President of America (28)Multiple Choice2019.05.17
Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone (15)Multiple Choice2019.09.04
Alexander II becomes Tsar of Russia (12)Multiple Choice2019.12.19
Alfred Dreyfus convicted of treason (19)Multiple Choice2019.12.08
Alfred Lord Tennyson (poet) (9)Multiple Choice2019.12.19
All American Indians now in reservations (21)Multiple Choice2019.03.17
America buys Alaska from Russia (21)Multiple Choice2019.08.01
Belgium under king Leopold II annexes African Congo (8)Multiple Choice2019.12.17
Benjamin Disraeli becomes British Prime Minister (8)Multiple Choice2019.11.19
British Labour Party formed (9)Multiple Choice2019.01.26
Charles Darwin publishes Origin of Species (23)Multiple Choice2019.09.28
Charles Dickens (writer) (18)Multiple Choice2019.10.05
Confederation of Canada (9)Multiple Choice2019.09.15
Custers Last Stand - killed fighting in Indian Wars (15)Multiple Choice2019.06.04
David Livingstone discovers Victoria Falls (8)Multiple Choice2019.08.01
Emperor Meiji restored after centuries of Shogun rule (9)Multiple Choice2019.01.27
End of American Civil War (27)Multiple Choice2019.06.09