ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Collier, Elsa -
Golden Age of Poland begins under Sigismund I and II (18)Multiple Choice2008.07.08
Hapsburgs driven out of Switzerland (9)Multiple Choice2008.04.18
Heironymous Bosch (artist) (11)Multiple Choice2008.04.12
Henry IV deposes Richard II - Lancastrian rule in England (14)Multiple Choice2008.01.13
James IV of Scotland killed by English forces at Flodden (9)Multiple Choice2008.10.22
Jan Hus, Bohemian religious reformer, martyred (14)Multiple Choice2008.05.23
John Cabot lands in Canada - later claimed for England (8)Multiple Choice2008.11.15
Juan Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain (9)Multiple Choice2008.10.09
King John forced to sign Magna Carta (9)Multiple Choice2008.02.19
Last Crusade (Ninth) ends in failure (9)Multiple Choice2008.12.05
Lorenzo di Medici (the Magnificent) rules in Florence (8)Multiple Choice2008.11.20
Louis XI becomes king of France (8)Multiple Choice2008.06.15
Model Parliament established (8)Multiple Choice2008.10.19
Mongol attacks on Japan repulsed (8)Multiple Choice2008.05.11
Mongols re-united under Tamerlaine (9)Multiple Choice2008.04.08
Mongols under Genghis Khan invade Russia and Central Europe (9)Multiple Choice2008.12.22
Muskovite Ivan III first to adopt title of Tsar (8)Multiple Choice2008.07.10
Muslim-influenced Malacca state dominant in South-East Asia (18)Multiple Choice2008.01.06