ThatQuiz Public Test Library
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TeacherTest NameTest TypeDate Edited
Payne, Harrison -
Enrico Caruso (opera singer) (19)Multiple Choice2012.01.08
First World War - Germany/Austria vs Britain/France/Russia (21)Multiple Choice2012.02.17
First zeppelin airship launched (9)Multiple Choice2012.03.17
Florence Nightingale (nurse and hospital reformer) (18)Multiple Choice2012.10.06
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (philosopher) (23)Multiple Choice2012.07.09
George V succedes to British throne (21)Multiple Choice2012.02.07
Germany proclaimed a republic (24)Multiple Choice2012.05.25
Giuseppe Verdi (composer) (23)Multiple Choice2012.03.06
Greek-Turkish War (8)Multiple Choice2012.12.11
Gustav Mahler (composer) (15)Multiple Choice2012.09.19
Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian dramatist) (8)Multiple Choice2012.09.07
Inconclusive battles at Verdun and Somme in France (9)Multiple Choice2012.03.02
Kemal Atatürk leads Turkish nationlist resistance (8)Multiple Choice2012.12.07
Leo Tolstoy (writer) (19)Multiple Choice2012.05.26
Lord Baden-Powell founds Boy Scouts and Girl Guides (9)Multiple Choice2012.01.08
Modern Persian state created by Resa Khan (20)Multiple Choice2012.03.26
Norway separates from Sweden (17)Multiple Choice2012.07.20
Oscar Wilde (writer) (22)Multiple Choice2012.05.19