- 1. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) whene B) when
- 2. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) abot B) about
- 3. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) beter B) better
- 4. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) bringe B) bring
- 5. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) cary B) carry
- 6. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) klean B) clean
- 7. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) cut B) kut
- 8. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) done B) dun
- 9. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) draw B) draa
- 10. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) drinc B) drink
- 11. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) eight B) aght
- 12. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) fal B) fall
- 13. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) grow B) gro
- 14. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) hott B) hot
- 15. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) hirt B) hurt
- 16. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) feet B) pust C) land D) side
- 17. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) side B) without C) bustid D) landed
- 18. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) hose B) sides C) house D) sydes
- 19. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) boy B) boys C) bouy D) bou
- 20. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) animal B) undur C) week D) once
- 21. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) weak B) weke C) wake D) week
- 22. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) tirn B) took C) it's D) turn
- 23. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) distirb B) disturb
- 24. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) birthday B) burtday
- 25. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) enuff B) enough C) life D) animal
- 26. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) durt B) dirt
- 27. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) surprise B) sirprise
- 28. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) turkey B) turnky C) turducken
- 29. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) munstur B) monster
- 30. Choose the word that is not spelled correctly.
A) mothur B) mother
A) ran B) ugly C) swiftly D) clown
A) swiftly B) ugly C) clown D) ran
- 33. Choose the adjective.
A) clown B) ran C) ugly D) swiftly
A) ugly B) ran C) swiftly D) clown
- 35. The ugly clown ran swiftly down the street. Choose the preposition.
A) street B) the C) clown D) down
- 36. Choose the preposition. The hurried dog swam quickly across the river.
A) dog B) across C) river D) hurried
A) dog B) across C) quickly D) hurried
A) river B) quickly C) across D) swam
A) quickly B) swam C) hurried D) across
A) swam B) river C) hurried D) quickly
- 41. Choose the preposition. The beautiful, young girl walked briskly to the store.
A) briskly B) to C) girl D) young
A) walked, briskly B) beautiful, young C) girl, store D) the store
- 43. Choose the adjectives.
A) beautiful, young B) walked, briskly C) girl, store D) the store
A) briskly B) walked C) store D) young
A) store B) young C) briskly D) walked