Andrew Jackson, the 7th U.S. President
  • 1. In which year was Andrew Jackson inaugurated as President of the United States?
A) 1790
B) 1800
C) 1865
D) 1829
  • 2. What nickname was given to Andrew Jackson due to his tough and aggressive personality?
A) Gentleman Jack
B) Old Hickory
C) The Great Communicator
D) The Reformer
  • 3. Which battle is Andrew Jackson most famous for?
A) Battle of Yorktown
B) Battle of Antietam
C) Battle of New Orleans
D) Battle of Gettysburg
  • 4. Andrew Jackson was originally from which U.S. state?
A) Tennessee
B) Kentucky
C) Virginia
D) South Carolina
  • 5. Which of the following did Andrew Jackson fight against during his presidency?
A) The Alien and Sedition Acts
B) The Emancipation Proclamation
C) The Louisiana Purchase
D) The Nullification Crisis
  • 6. Who was Jackson's vice president during his first term in office?
A) John Tyler
B) Martin Van Buren
C) John C. Calhoun
D) John Quincy Adams
  • 7. After his presidency, Andrew Jackson retired to his estate called:
A) Mount Vernon
B) The Hermitage
C) Monticello
D) Ashland
  • 8. What was Andrew Jackson's military title during his service in the War of 1812?
A) Colonel
B) Major General
C) Captain
D) Lieutenant
  • 9. Which First Lady famously caused a scandal during Jackson's presidency?
A) Dolley Madison
B) Martha Washington
C) Abigail Adams
D) Peggy Eaton
  • 10. What controversial policy did Jackson implement regarding Native Americans?
A) Reservation system
B) Native American assimilation program
C) Treaty of Greenville
D) Indian Removal Act
  • 11. Which famous Supreme Court case challenged Jackson's Indian Removal policies?
A) Dred Scott v. Sandford
B) Marbury v. Madison
C) Worcester v. Georgia
D) McCulloch v. Maryland
  • 12. What was the name of Andrew Jackson's adopted son who fought alongside him at the Battle of New Orleans?
A) Lyncoya
B) Jasper
C) Nathaniel
D) Hiram
  • 13. In which U.S. war did Andrew Jackson gain his reputation as a military leader?
A) American Civil War
B) Revolutionary War
C) War of 1812
D) Mexican-American War
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