Peruvian history
  • 1. Peruvian history spans thousands of years, beginning with the ancient civilizations such as the Norte Chico, Moche, and Inca. The Inca Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America, known for its advanced architecture, agriculture, and road system. In 1532, Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro arrived in Peru and conquered the Inca Empire. This marked the beginning of Spanish colonial rule, which lasted for nearly 300 years. Peru gained independence from Spain in 1821 and has since experienced periods of political instability, military dictatorships, and economic challenges. Today, Peru is a diverse and vibrant country with a rich cultural heritage that reflects its complex history.

    Who was the last Inca emperor of the Inca Empire?
A) Atahualpa
B) Tupac Amaru
C) Huayna Capac
D) Pachacuti
  • 2. Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Inca Empire?
A) Pedro de Alvarado
B) Hernán Cortés
C) Francisco Pizarro
D) Diego de Almagro
  • 3. In what year did Peru gain its independence from Spain?
A) 1830
B) 1810
C) 1845
D) 1821
  • 4. What is the capital city of Peru?
A) Trujillo
B) Cusco
C) Arequipa
D) Lima
  • 5. What is the name of the ancient citadel located in the Andes Mountains of Peru?
A) Choquequirao
B) Sacsayhuaman
C) Ollantaytambo
D) Machu Picchu
  • 6. Which Peruvian writer won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2010?
A) César Vallejo
B) Julio Ramón Ribeyro
C) Blanca Varela
D) Mario Vargas Llosa
  • 7. What is the name of the ancient site known for its mysterious geoglyphs in southern Peru?
A) Band of Holes
B) Paracas Candelabra
C) Candelabra of the Andes
D) Nazca Lines
  • 8. Which treaty ended the War of the Pacific between Peru and Chile?
A) Treaty of Santiago
B) Treaty of Lima
C) Treaty of Ancón
D) Treaty of Tarapacá
  • 9. What is the name of the ancient religious site near Cusco, Peru, known for its circular agricultural terraces?
A) Incahuasi
B) Moray
C) Pisac
D) Tipón
  • 10. Which Peruvian artist is known for his surrealist paintings depicting the Amazon rainforest?
A) Martín Chambi
B) Fernando de Szyszlo
C) José Sabogal
D) Pablo Amaringo
  • 11. What is the name of the ancient city that served as the political and administrative capital of the Inca Empire?
A) Machu Picchu
B) Ollantaytambo
C) Pisac
D) Cusco
  • 12. Which Peruvian musician is known for blending traditional Andean music with modern styles?
A) Peru Negro
B) Nicomedes Santa Cruz
C) William Luna
D) Susana Baca
  • 13. Which Peruvian president implemented agrarian reform and nationalized industries in the 1960s?
A) Manuel A. Odría
B) Juan Velasco Alvarado
C) Alan García
D) Fernando Belaúnde Terry
  • 14. What is the name of the river in Peru that flows through the Andean mountain range and the Amazon rainforest?
A) Ucayali
B) Marañón
C) Apurímac
D) Huallaga
  • 15. Which Peruvian chef popularized Peruvian cuisine internationally?
A) Virgilio Martínez
B) Gastón Acurio
C) Mistura
D) Pía León
  • 16. What is the name of the indigenous group that successfully resisted the Inca Empire and Spanish conquest in the Amazon region?
A) Aymara
B) Asháninka
C) Quechua
D) Shipibo
  • 17. Which pre-Inca civilization built the citadel of Kuelap in northern Peru?
A) Chachapoyas
B) Wari
C) Mochica
D) Paracas
  • 18. Who led the successful revolt against Spanish rule in Peru in 1824?
A) Andrés Avelino Cáceres
B) Antonio José de Sucre
C) Simón Bolívar
D) José de San Martín
  • 19. What is the name of the legendary golden city sought by Spanish conquistadors in the Amazon region of Peru?
A) Cibola
B) Tayuna
C) El Dorado
D) Paititi
  • 20. What year did the Spanish conquer the Inca Empire?
A) 1620
B) 1576
C) 1492
D) 1533
  • 21. Which ancient civilization predated the Inca Empire in Peru?
A) Aztec
B) Moche
C) Caral
D) Maya
  • 22. Which Peruvian President was famously known as the 'Chino' due to his Chinese heritage?
A) Alejandro Toledo
B) Ollanta Humala
C) Alberto Fujimori
D) Pedro Pablo Kuczynski
  • 23. What important resource was extracted from the Cerro de Pasco region during the Spanish colonial period?
A) Tin
B) Copper
C) Silver
D) Gold
  • 24. Who was the famous indigenous rebel leader who led a revolt against Spanish colonial authorities in the late 18th century?
A) Túpac Amaru
B) Túpac Amaru II
C) Manco Inca
D) Pachacutec
  • 25. What Peruvian holiday commemorates the Battle of Angamos during the War of the Pacific?
A) Independence Day
B) Army Day
C) Navy Day
D) Flag Day
  • 26. What is the name of the indigenous language still spoken by many Peruvians today?
A) Shipibo
B) Quechua
C) Aymara
D) Ashaninka
  • 27. Who was the famous Peruvian singer known as the 'Voice of the Andes'?
A) Chabuca Granda
B) Yma Sumac
C) Susana Baca
D) Eva Ayllon
  • 28. What is the name of the traditional Peruvian dish made with raw fish marinated in citrus juices?
A) Lomo Saltado
B) Ceviche
C) Papa a la Huancaina
D) Aji de Gallina
  • 29. What indigenous uprising in 1780 marked one of the first major rebellions against Spanish rule in Peru?
A) Inca Rebellion
B) Túpac Amaru Rebellion
C) Chanka Uprising
D) Mochica Revolt
  • 30. Which mountain range runs through Peru and is home to numerous Inca ruins?
A) Rockies
B) Andes
C) Himalayas
D) Alps
  • 31. Which Peruvian archaeologist discovered the Lord of Sipan tomb?
A) Maria Reiche
B) Walter Alva
C) Julio C. Tello
D) Max Uhle
  • 32. What is the name of the Peruvian currency?
A) Sol
B) Rupee
C) Dollar
D) Peso
  • 33. In which year did Machu Picchu, the famous Inca citadel, become a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
A) 1965
B) 1983
C) 2010
D) 2000
  • 34. Which ancient city was the administrative and religious center of the Moche civilization?
A) Sacsayhuaman
B) Chan Chan
C) Huaca del Sol
D) Pachacamac
  • 35. What is the name of the famous Peruvian beer brand?
A) Arequipeña
B) Cusqueña
C) Cristal
D) Pilsen Callao
  • 36. What is the name of the desert located in southern Peru?
A) Atacama Desert
B) Gobi Desert
C) Sahara Desert
D) Mojave Desert
  • 37. The Battle of Ayacucho in 1824 marked the end of Spanish rule in which country?
A) Ecuador
B) Bolivia
C) Chile
D) Peru
  • 38. What is the name of the traditional Peruvian dance that is a mix of African, Spanish, and indigenous influences?
A) Huayno
B) Tondero
C) Festejo
D) Marinera
  • 39. What is the traditional alcoholic beverage made from fermented corn in Peru?
A) Chicha
B) Aguardiente
C) Pisco
D) Cerveza
  • 40. Which ancient civilization in Peru built the city of Chan Chan?
A) Moche
B) Inca
C) Chimú
D) Nazca
  • 41. In what year did Machu Picchu reemerge to the world after being hidden for centuries?
A) 1492
B) 1911
C) 1889
D) 1925
  • 42. What is the name of the pre-Inca adobe city located near Trujillo, Peru?
A) Moray
B) Sillustani
C) Pachacamac
D) Chan Chan
  • 43. What is the name of the Peruvian dish made with marinated strips of beef, onions, and tomatoes?
A) Aji de Gallina
B) Tacu Tacu
C) Ceviche
D) Lomo Saltado
  • 44. The Battle of Junín was a decisive battle for the independence of Peru fought in which year?
A) 1865
B) 1836
C) 1810
D) 1824
  • 45. What is the name of the narrow-gauge train that takes visitors to Machu Picchu?
A) Velasco Astete
B) Ricardo Palma
C) Fernández Ferrando
D) Hiram Bingham
  • 46. Which traditional Peruvian instrument is made from a South American armadillo shell?
A) Cajón
B) Zampoña
C) Quena
D) Charango
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