Nero Julius Caesar
  • 1. What was Nero Julius Caesar's original name?
A) Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus
B) Trajan
C) Gaius Julius Caesar
D) Cicero
  • 2. Who was Nero Julius Caesar's mother?
A) Fabia
B) Agrippina the Younger
C) Cleopatra
D) Julia Domna
  • 3. Which Roman Emperor adopted Nero Julius Caesar as his heir?
A) Claudius
B) Tiberius
C) Augustus
D) Caligula
  • 4. Which famous philosopher did Nero try to have killed?
A) Plato
B) Aristotle
C) Seneca
D) Socrates
  • 5. Nero is famously known for playing which musical instrument?
A) Flute
B) Lyre
C) Trumpet
D) Harpsichord
  • 6. Who led the conspiracy to overthrow Nero and take the throne for themselves?
A) Pompey
B) Gaius Calpurnius Piso
C) Marcus Antonius
D) Mark Antony
  • 7. Who succeeded Nero as Emperor of Rome?
A) Galba
B) Nerva
C) Vespasian
D) Titus
  • 8. Which Roman historian wrote extensively about Nero's reign?
A) Tacitus
B) Herodotus
C) Livy
D) Plutarch
  • 9. What was the name of Nero's second wife, whom he reputedly kicked to death while she was pregnant?
A) Poppaea Sabina
B) Octavia
C) Agrippina
D) Messalina
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