Check on Ancient Maya
  • 1. The Maya people lived on the
A) Arabian Peninsula
B) Yucatan Peninsula
C) Iberian Peninsula
  • 2. The Maya practiced this as a farming technique
A) terraced farming
B) irrigation canals
C) slash and burn agriculture
  • 3. In some of their religious rituals, the Maya practiced
A) worship of one God
B) the burden of taxes
C) piercing themselves
  • 4. Porters carried goods to be traded through ________ teams
A) camel bearing
B) relay
C) one man
  • 5. The Maya had no horses, donkeys or camels to carry loads
A) true
B) false
  • 6. The Maya organized their labor force to build ________ pyramids and palaces
A) mud
B) brick
C) stone
  • 7. The Maya developed a number system based on the number
A) 10
B) 12
C) 20
  • 8. The Maya were one of the first cultures to develop the idea of the
A) infinity
B) zero
C) a written language
  • 9. The Maya developed two __________ that worked together
A) calendars
B) number systems
C) plows
  • 10. One reflection of the Mayan culture is that they built a ___________ in every city.
A) ball court
B) great bath
C) solar center
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