Karl Landsteiner
  • 1. When was Karl Landsteiner born?
A) 1850
B) 1868
C) 1925
D) 1900
  • 2. What nationality was Karl Landsteiner?
A) Russian
B) Austrian
C) German
D) French
  • 3. At which university did Karl Landsteiner work in Vienna?
A) University of Tokyo
B) Harvard University
C) University of Vienna
D) University of Oxford
  • 4. What is the name of the protein discovered by Karl Landsteiner that determines the ABO blood groups?
A) hemoglobin
B) insulin
C) agglutinogen
D) antibody
  • 5. Which award did Karl Landsteiner win in 1930 for his work on blood types?
A) Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
B) Pulitzer Prize
C) Oscar Award
D) Booker Prize
  • 6. Karl Landsteiner's work on blood groups helped advance which field of medicine?
A) Dermatology
B) Pediatrics
C) Transfusion medicine
D) Neurology
  • 7. Who was Karl Landsteiner's collaborator in identifying the Rh factor in blood?
A) Albert Einstein
B) Alexander S. Wiener
C) Marie Curie
D) Wilhelm Röntgen
  • 8. Karl Landsteiner's research on blood transfusions helped save the lives of soldiers in which war?
A) World War II
B) World War I
C) American Civil War
D) Vietnam War
  • 9. In what year did Karl Landsteiner die?
A) 2000
B) 1955
C) 1943
D) 1970
  • 10. Who is known as the father of transfusion medicine?
A) Florence Nightingale
B) Karl Landsteiner
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Edward Jenner
  • 11. What was Karl Landsteiner's profession?
A) Geologist
B) Botanist
C) Astronomer
D) Immunologist
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