Sally Hemings
  • 1. Where was Sally Hemings enslaved?
A) The Statue of Liberty
B) The White House
C) Monticello
D) Mount Rushmore
  • 2. How many children did Sally Hemings have with Thomas Jefferson?
A) 8
B) 2
C) 4
D) 6
  • 3. At what age did Sally Hemings begin her relationship with Thomas Jefferson?
A) 30
B) 18
C) 21
D) 14
  • 4. Which U.S. president is known to have been involved in a relationship with Sally Hemings?
A) Thomas Jefferson
B) John F. Kennedy
C) Abraham Lincoln
D) George Washington
  • 5. In what year did Thomas Jefferson die?
A) 1865
B) 1790
C) 1826
D) 1776
  • 6. Where is Sally Hemings believed to have been born?
A) Texas
B) New York
C) Virginia
D) California
  • 7. What was the surname of Sally Hemings' enslaver?
A) Jefferson
B) Johnson
C) Smith
D) Brown
  • 8. What was the racial background of Thomas Jefferson?
A) Black
B) Asian
C) White
D) Native American
  • 9. What was the status of slavery in Virginia during Sally Hemings' lifetime?
A) Legal
B) Unknown
C) Banned
D) Illegal
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